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Home for a while...

Jennifer Z. Major

Well, hello there!

After 2 weeks of vacation in Ontario, my husband and I climbed into the "laundry mobile"and drove for 13.5 hours in that somewhat untidy van, and arrived home late last Sunday night. Okay, he drove, and I criticized his choices in music. The CD player in our trusty van doesn't work, and an aux cable? Bahahaha. So it was radio. Montreal radio.

Which means, it was French radio announcers, lots of French music, and SOME Anglo music.

But I nearly broke his fingers when he found some yodeling "music" and covered the dial with his hand.



Not. On. My. Watch. summer vacation is just about over, and now it's prep time. Both for school for the 2 offspring still at home, and for my upcoming trip to The US of A.

Yup. I'm heading back to the South West, by way of California, then home via Vancouver!

I leave here on the 12th and won't be home again until the wee hours of October 5th.

I've got some very interesting things lined up in New Mexico, including another meeting with the Someone Important that I met with last year, and let's just say I should be able to share more with you in a few weeks.

I also have a radio interview (at a Christian station in Window Rock) planned. That's not going to be totally wild, right??

Hopefully September 20th won't go down in New Mexico history as "The day the moron from Canada ruined radio forever".

But, until then, please pray for me as I prepare to speak to some high school students, meet with a VIP, and figure out how to sound intelligent for more than 8 seconds.



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